Friday, May 30, 2014

Your Cheat Sheet to Cadillac’s Ciel Concept

The Elmiraj has been getting a lot of attention lately– but how much do you know about Cadillac’s other concept vehicles? Get acquainted with the Ciel Concept–here’s your cheat sheet.

Pronounced: C-L

Inspired by: West Coast

Defining exterior feature
: rear-hinged doors, serving as a dramatic introduction to the equally dramatic interior.

Defining interior feature
: accents of premium Italian Olive wood

Extras: A “floating” center console (connectivity for each passenger) and leather seating with heating/cooling technology. Our favorite part? Aromatherapy controlled from the rear armrest!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Motorists & Cyclists: Unite! Here’s the Key to Sharing the Road in Peace

It seems like the grass is always greener on the other side. When you’re behind the wheel of a car, it’s easy to let yourself view cyclists as a source of stress–even an obstacle. When you’re on a bike, the feeling is as uncomfortable but from an opposite perspective. The good news? We can all hit the road and reach our destinations safely! The secret is just a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T!

Rules of the road: Many fail to realize that bikes and cars must abide by the same regulations during their commutes. Each side has an equal right to their own space.

Exit your car carefully! Make sure there’s not a cyclist rushing up behind you–remember they have no reaction time if you swing it open without warning.

Situational awareness is necessary for everyone on the road. Pay attention to your surroundings so you can avoid accidents before they happen.

Perspective: It’s important to take into account that a car running a red light or a pothole in front of you out of nowhere is an even bigger deal if you’re on a bike.

Exercise safety precautions! Cyclists are more vulnerable targets for the dangers of the road so it’s important to plan accordingly. Wear appropriate safety gear.

Courtesy wave: whether you’re a cyclist or motorist, turn signals are vital! Now more than ever, be sure to let others on the road know where you’re planning to go next.

Time is never worth risking a life. It seems like we’re always in a race against the clock. Plan ahead for your day, ensure your things are ready to go the night before–do whatever you have to do. Just make sure you never hit the road in a hurry. It’s just not worth the risk.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Save Money on Car Repairs with These Simple Tips

1) Choose a Reliable Vehicle:

It’s important to read consumer reviews and reports. A vehicle may look shiny and be enticing with fancy features but sometimes you may end up with a lemon if you’re not careful. Always make sure that you do your research and ask for a service record!

2) Find a Mechanic You Trust:

Not all mechanics are trustworthy and will sometimes charge/overcharge you for services you don’t need. There are also many mechanics out there that are honest, hardworking and have your best interest at heart. Once you find one, establish a long-term relationship with them. Having a good go-to mechanic will save you A LOT of money in the long run.

3) Always Stay Up to Date on Your Preventative Maintenance:

This means oil changes, tire rotations, breaks, alignments, and fluid changes. It may seem expensive, but trust me; the consequences of avoiding preventative maintenance will be much more detrimental to your pocket book.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Get acquainted with the Ciel Concept--here's your cheat sheet.

The Elmiraj has been getting a lot of attention lately-- but how much do you know about Cadillac's other concept vehicles? Get to know Cadillac's Ciel Concept in all its exquisite and dramatic glory.

Pronounced: C-L

Inspired by: West Coast

Defining exterior feature: rear-hinged doors, serving as a dramatic introduction to the equally dramatic interior.

Defining interior feature: accents of premium Italian Olive wood

Extras: A "floating" center console (connectivity for each passenger) and leather seating with heating/cooling technology. Our favorite part?  Aromatherapy controlled from the rear armrest!