Friday, August 8, 2014

Tips and Tricks for Surviving a Road Trip with the Kids

Are you thinking about packing up and heading out on one last family road trip before summer comes to an end? Have no fear! Here are some tips to keep you and your kids sane during the drive!

· Pack Strategically: Pack everything you will need access to while on the road separately from your other luggage. This way you won’t have to dig around in your suitcase for something small like bug spray or sunscreen. It’s also a good idea to keep a change of clothes handy for you and your kids. You never know when an unexpected mess will pop up.

· Plan your travel time around your child’s sleep schedule: Ensure your departure is timed just right so your child can catch some zz’s on the road. If you leave before lunchtime you can allow them to have lunch in the car. They’ll nod off in no time, allowing you to have some quiet driving time. Just try not stop while your child is sleeping, it’s a sure-fire wake-up call. Some people also travel at their child’s bedtime. This is effective as long as you’re not too tired to drive!

· Stop at regular intervals:
Your kids will start to get a little antsy after 2-3 hours of driving. It’s important to make regular stops every couple of hours so everyone can stretch their legs. A quick game of tag in a park or exploring a “hokey” roadside attraction is a good way to help them spend some energy and to make the time on the road fun!

· Prevent backseat meltdowns: Road trips are no fun when you spend the whole time trying to keep siblings from fighting with one another. Keep you kids equipped with toys, well-fed, and well rested. This should help reduce the sibling squabbles allowing you to drive in peace.

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